Finally the awaited BLS exam came through today the 1st of july 2022 and the result was amazine. Personally, i faced a challenge because my email ID couldnt open,so i couldnt access information while the practice session was ongoing. But with the help of Mrs JENIFFER and Mr. CAMELO, evrything was changed . It was a timely intervention and communication between these two proffesionals that i finally wrote and past excellently, considering i started late and was the last in the class alone to submit and also was the first to get my certificate just 1min after my submission. wow, what an excellent display of communication chain of activity. Generally, the session was amazing, the practice was made supper understanable,concise,scope oriented,and critical concept was frequently reminded. Mr. CAMELO did an excellent job, i must attest. Finally, madam JENIFFER’S role of directives through mailing, whatsapp personal chat and orientation on what to do and what not to do, direct calls for clear information transmission cannot be undermined. she is indeed a typical example of a dynamic,multitasking leader and a mentor. The entire team behind the scene to this HTTC commission are doing a great job,never give up. God bless you all. Thanks the HTTC crew and keep the work going. Mbelle Felix Mukete